Could you please be more specific about the club's location?

SOC grounds and club room are sited at Gormley Drive, Kingston, just south of the soccer field. You can find a map on the "Location" Page also.

What times do you train?

Training times are Sunday afternoon, Puppy Class starts at 11.50 - 12.20
Foundations is from 12.30 - 13.15
Intermediate from 13.30 - 14.15 
Community Companion Dog/Novice is from 14.30 - 15.15 
Training, weather permitting (it takes a downpour for a class not to go ahead), occurs between February and December inclusive.

Can I join the Club online?

Yes, there is an application form on the website.

How do I join the Club?

There is an application form available on the website that will submit your application to the club administrators

How long are the classes?

In the case of the Puppy lessons, classes are 30 minutes long progressing to 45 minutes for the Foundations , Intermediate, and Community Companion Dog and Novice

How many lessons are there in a quarter? 

Apart from the Puppy class in which the dog automatically graduates upon reaching 6 months of age, in the Foundations, Intermediate and Community Companion Dog/Novice classes there are generally 9 weeks in each quarter. 

How long will it take for me to train my dog? 

There are no hard and fast rules. How quickly you and your dog progress through the various classes depends on a range of things: the breed and maturity of your dog and how much time and patience you devote to teaching your dog are all relevant.  
During each lesson, the instructors will often provide feedback on what you are doing correctly (and things you need to avoid). The classes are designed to be a positive experience: all feedback is designed to help the handlers. Mistakes will be made and will be set aside: the emphasis is on how the handler can progress. If you have questions, then fire away: the instructors are here to help you to teach your dog.  
Examinations are held in the last week of each class. You will receive feedback on how well you and your dog have mastered the lessons of the specific class. 

Do I bring my dog when joining?

You need to do all the paper work, paid the fees before you bring your dog to any class.

What collar does my dog need? 

For Obedience training, the instructors will advise you in class what to use with your particular dog. Our Instructors will teach you how to use them effectively. 

Half-check collar

The slip-chain collar and Half-check collars are for training/walking. Neither type of collar should EVER be used as an everyday collar or for leaving your dog unattended. 
Good quality slip chains are available from the Club, where they can be custom-fitted to your dog on the spot. You will be shown how to put it on and how to use it properly. 
Inexpensive, but high-quality leads, manufactured to the correct length and made from woven cotton that is soft on the hands, can be purchased from the Club.  

Will training be cancelled in bad weather?  

Please refer to our facebook page for up-to-date information on whether classes have been cancelled for a specific day. 

In the heat of a summer’s day:
In Hobart, we fortunately do not experience too many really hot days. On the rare occurrence there is a sting in the Sun, the class may be conducted under the shade of some trees or the length of the class will be shortened.  
I n the wet of winter: The field on which the classes are held has a slope and so the water runs away quite quickly. The field is also well grassed so you will not be taking the class with mud afoot. As long as there is not heavy rain, we tend to follow the creed of the US Post office: Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds”. That is, classes proceed unless the rain is heavy or continuously falling. 

The manager of the website will examine a weather report at around 10.30 the morning of the classes. If, at that time, there is a 70% prediction of heavy or continuous rain, then the manager of the site will put a notice on the home page of the Club's website that classes have been cancelled.  

What vaccinations does my dog need? 

All dogs must be vaccinated against (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo and Canine cough).  
Proof of this will be required to be sighted before your dog may participate in classes. If your dog is not vaccinated, do not under any circumstances bring your dog to the Club’s grounds. 

At what age can I bring my dog?

You can bring your puppy after it has commenced its course of vaccinations for immunisation against distemper, hepatitis, and parvovairus. 
Dogs under six months of age normally go into a Puppy class while older (dog) beginners start in Basic , unless the dog has had previous training and needs an individual assessment, which might place you and the dog in a higher level class. 

What can I read about dog training? 

Library books and magazines are also available to borrow. 

If my dog is obedient, can I receive a reduction on my dog registration fee at my Council? 

If you and your dog pass the Community Companion Dog/Novice class, then Kingborough Council will offer you a small discount (over the life of the dog, it will add up to a significant saving) on the registration of your dog. If you live outside KC, please check with your own council to determine whether it offers a similar arrangement. 

Are there any rules I need to follow in class or as a club member?

1. Mobile phones are to be switched off while in class. If you expect that you will need to be contacted for emergency purposes, please put your phone on silent mode.   

2. Do not congregate near the entrance gate.  

3. Always check the notice board for any news or time changes.  

4. Name tags must be worn at each training session and replaced on the name tag board at the end of each lesson.  

5. Dog droppings must be removed immediately. Bags are available on the verandah.
6. Children under the age of 12 years are not to be left alone in charge of a dog, irrespective of the dog’s size. Children must be 12 years or older to train a dog in a class and be capable of keeping the dog under control.  

7. Dogs must not be tied to fences, the verandah or left unattended. 
8. Young children must be under control at all times and must not run around the ground during classes. 
9. No bitches in season are permitted on the ground. 
10. No harsh handling, abuse or hitting will be tolerated. The philosophy of the club is that the correct way to teach a dog is by positive reinforcement, such as treats and/or praise. 
11. A dog that is considered to be unwell will be excluded from training. 
12. Dogs and handlers must have a rewarding experience. If you have any concerns about your dog, please ask an instructor for advice. 
13. Have fun in class! 

SOC's location and class times don't suit me - can I still train my dog?

Name of Club 




Eastern Shore Dog Club Inc 

George O'Neal after 6.pm weekdays on 03 6244 4867 

easternshoredogclub [AT]gmail [DOT] com 


Hobart Dog Training Club Inc 

Liz Foster, 03 62723461 

president [AT] hdtc [DOT] org 



What does it cost to join the club?

biAnnual Membership Fee: SINGLE $30; JOINT $35 
TCA $3 (Payable by non-members of the TAS. Canine Assoc. Inc.) 
Class Fee (per term) $5 x 9 = $45 (Non-refundable)
Payment methods by on-line bank transfer.  
C urrently, the club does not have credit card facilities or eftpos or EFT.  

How do I renew my membership?

Please Re-sumbit the application form on the website